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Philosophy Unit 3&4;

JustinPakura's Waterfall RSS

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1 point

Technology has its ups and downs. It can both enhance and undermine how we live a good life. For example, technology has allowed us to spread awareness of issues around the globe and urged people around the globe to think more openly and critically.

However technology has lead to loss of experiences of the world at large, real life interactions, higher rates of obesity and being overweight, loss of privacy and deprivation fitness.

It depends on how technology is used in order for it to enhance or undermine our ability to live a good life.

Callicle's would have supported the increasing use of technology because it demonstrates power and status. Technology helps us climb up the social latter in this day and age so from Callicle's viewpoint technology would enhance our ability to live a good life.

Socrates would believe technology undermines our ability to lead a good life if it distracts us from the most important things in life and the most important questions we must ask.

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